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Richards Partners
Introducing the first episode of the Grey Matters podcast
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Grey Matters Podcast Episode 1 – The 14 Shots of Adrenaline Your Business Needs Right Now

Welcome to the first episode of the Grey Matters podcast produced by Richards Partners. On this podcast, we explore the grey areas of strategy and design, and how it relates to brands in sectors from agriculture to beauty, to fashion, to food & beverage and everything in between. Each episode will be hosted by Brian Richards, who will be joined by Scott Wallace. Between them is about 60 years of experience in strategy, design and advertising. Joining them in other episodes down the line will be a variety of industry experts, thought leaders, designers, and strategists, all sharing their experience, expertise and grey matter for your learnings.

As New Zealand prepares to emerge from the COVID-19 lockdown, businesses and brands will be looking for ways to best position themselves for the long road of recovery ahead. Today on the Grey Matters podcast, Brian and Scott talk about the 14 shots of adrenaline your business needs right now. The world will be a very different place as it emerges from this once-in-a-century pandemic. Is your business positioned for success in a post-pandemic world?

Grey Matters podcast host Brian Richards, New Zealand's foremost brand strategist and winner of the Designers Institute of New Zealand Black Pin.

Scott Wallace,
Grey Matters podcast host Scott Wallace, storyteller and adman with 37 years experience in the advertising industry

Episode 1 Summary

Shot 1
Accept that your business will take time to recover and probably longer than you dare to admit.

Shot 2
Ask yourself this question early; does the business realistically have a future?

Shot 3
If you answered YES to Shot 2, then make a list of the reasons why you think so. If you answered NO, then you know what to do.

Shot 4
As part of the answer under Shot 3, and if you haven’t already, answer this question; what was my business really good at? Why was it successful up until now?

Shot 5
Convince yourself that you can afford to carry the business financially for at least six months.

Shot 6
Write down if your business has any failings (they all do, so accept that yours will too).

Shot 7
Think about your customers. Will they come back, or are they gone for a significant time?

Shot 8
If you think they have disappeared, then decide how you are going to find replacement customers, and evaluate how your business is going to attract them.

Shot 9
Use all these Shots to write a new business plan, and as part of the plan, decide on what you can afford to spend to promote the business.

Shot 10
Take some time to write your new plan, but not too long, because the priority is to be positive and get on with your business activity.

Shot 11
Embrace the digital world as much as you can, from communicating to promoting to selling.

Shot 12
Remember that you are not alone, and never will be alone, with this struggle. There are lots of organisations and people you can turn to, so don’t hesitate to ask for help.

Shot 13
Success will be realised by those of you who are the most creative and the most positive.

Shot 14
Over-communicate, with your family and your team and the bank and your customers. This will help everyone involved, including you.

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