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Work completed
Discovery: Customer Segmentation. Strategy: Brand Definition. Story: Brand Story. Design: Brand Identity System.
Earth’s White Box

For science and humanity, Antarctica represents an unspoiled laboratory and an unrivalled opportunity for groundbreaking science. NZARI is a charitable trust established to promote, fund and research the impacts of climate change to this vastly unknown yet crucial part of our planet. NZARI approached us to develop a brand to tell their story, and the story of Antarctica.

It was clear that communicating simply was going to be crucial in connecting to global philanthropists and corporate partners. We distilled and conveyed NZARI’s work through a story centered on the simple idea of Earth’s White Box. The story drew parallels from a black box in an aircraft — unlock the secrets in Antarctica to reveal clues to the earth’s future. This powerful metaphor connected with the international scientific community, governments, businesses and the design community globally.

We positioned NZARI as an umbrella organization that was of New Zealand. This allowed global scientists to sit under and leverage New Zealand’s global reputation as a benign and neutral nation, and to connect with global sponsors. The creative system for NZARI was a significant piece of thinking for the continent that engaged the scientific community, businesses and designers throughout the world. The simplicity of the ideas and the striking metaphor of the iceberg resonated with audiences and created a frenzy of blog content, enquiries and interest.


Designers Institute of New Zealand
Best Design Awards

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Excellence Together
NZARI 02 2000x1333
Richards Partners NZARI 12 2000x1333
NZARI 04 2000x1333
NZARI 05 1000x1333
NZARI 10 1000x1333
NZARI 11 2000x1333
Work completed
Discovery: Customer Segmentation. Strategy: Brand Definition. Story: Brand Story. Design: Brand Identity System.
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Excellence Together